Episode 1.8 – What’s This One Called?

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Whats This One Called

Imagine if we were able to actually make the movie we wanted to make. Part Magical Mystery Tour, part something-even-stranger, Wind Gods was supposed to be an odyssey, a road trip if you will. But that isn’t the only thing we talk about, not by a long shot. We talk more about our first songs,… Read more »

Episode 1.7 – Meet Alligator Bob

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Fossil Rock

Hey, why is there a picture of a rock over there? Does it signify how much we rocked? Or some other corny euphemism? In Episode 1.7, we talk about that (I’ll tell you now, it’s Fossil Rock) and many other things that center around our years in Yelm. Why, you ask? Well, why not, I… Read more »